Friday, May 6, 2011

People are so nice :)

At the lab where I work there are these two middle-aged facilities guys who are just awesome. Basically every day, they are down in the basement where I work to fix something, usually together, and they always stop by to say hi and joke around with us. They especially like teasing my boss, Jason, which is quite amusing because Jason is a pretty fun guy too :) But we tease them back so it's ok! When Shrek the Musical was in town, for example, we decided that they were Shrek and Donkey - one of them is taller and bigger and happened to be wearing a green shirt, and the other is shorter and smaller and was wearing brown so it was rather fitting - and asked them how the show was going whenever they came by :)

Anyway I was talking to "Shrek" yesterday about how I was working extra hours to get comp time so I could take some days off the week before the wedding to prepare, because he had asked how long I'd be gone for the wedding (my answer was essentially until I run out of vacation time!). In response he said he should talk to my boss to see if he'd give me another day or so off for the wedding, which kind of surprised me. I kind of thought he was just joking, and I thought he meant he'd talk to Jason (and I don't think Jason has the power to do that :P). But when I ran into him again today he said he'd talked to Mike, the lab manager, and told him he should give me extra time off for the wedding! So I don't know if anything will come of that; I don't really expect it to. Regardless, it was a really nice thing for this guy to do for me :) I am always blown away when people do nice things for me like that, when they don't know me that well and I've never done anything for them! It definitely made my day :)

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