Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Choosing how to see

The same analytical eye and intelligent mind, that so quickly notice the hidden faults and negative attributes of a person or occurrence can, if so applied, be used to ascertain the hidden qualities and positive characteristics of that same person or occurrence, though they be ever so skillfully hidden. And is not that choice of use more fitting for a child of God? And is it not more uplifting and edifying to the body of Christ? I know I complain and criticize far more than I ought to - maybe I can learn to repurpose that energy and thought process for another, better end, and so perhaps in time become an encouragement and blessing to those around me.


  1. What an admirable goal! Sometimes I have to verbally remind myself that God loves every single person I am around, and that He knows really cool things about them that I would never guess. The times I find myself judging people most is from the privacy and safety of my car. Often while listening to Klove! How hypocritical of me.

    Anyway, I am looking forward to hearing about your progress in this vein of encouragement. I hope so much that you are able to be an encouragement to yourself. You really are a beautiful child of God and have lots of great qualities to contribute.

  2. I know what you mean! It is especially easy for me to judge other drivers... maybe it's because I can't always see their faces so it's even easier to forget that they're people too, with hopes and dreams and sorrows.

    And thank you for your encouragement to me :) I miss having you around in Tempe but it is nice at least that there still is Internet :)
